Heroku 和 GitHub 断交了吗?

讨论 未结 2 42
since2021 会员 2022年4月17日 13:19 发表
<p>Subject: Heroku Security Update: OAuth token revoked</p> <p>At 5:00 p.m. PT on April 16, 2022, Salesforce completed the revocation of all OAuth tokens from the Heroku Dashboard GitHub integration. As mentioned previously, this will prevent you from deploying your apps from GitHub through the Heroku dashboard or via Heroku automation, and some other actions in the dashboard will no longer work. While you will be unable to reconnect to GitHub via the Heroku dashboard, you may continue to use other code deployment methods available in the following documentation:</p> <ul> <li>Integrating with Version Control Providers Besides GitHub</li> <li>Deploying with Git</li> </ul> <p>奇奇怪怪的~</p>
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  • since2021
    2022年4月17日 13:19
    目前也不能重新授权,到底是怎样的攻击方式让 Salesforce 作出这种决定
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